In 2016, founder Dante Laughlin experienced a depressive episode in life as a result of gaining a college degree that was attached to debt and no real next step to life. This pain eventually found a voice in 2017 with the first episode of Notes To Self a podcast series where Dante confronts his worst struggles, insecurities, and fears to discover his answers in real-time with listeners.

Once Notes To Self proved to be a solution for creative minds to find their answers, through this primary research For Struggling Creatives discovered a need for additional services Creative Development and Project Management.
Once one-on-one services proved to change creatives’ struggle into strength; group events were introduced to provide a community where creative minds could let down their guard and find a solution to the issues that plagued them emotionally, professionally, and physically. Through this initial success, one need was clearly expressed, All creatives need a space to create.

2019 was the birth of For Struggling Creatives' first mobile studio for any creative to use to create anything anywhere. Conversed from a 17-foot box truck, the mobile studio would go on to be a catalyst for mobile art galleries, concerts, meetings, workshops, movie theatres, in addition to a playground for the human mind.
Now, For Struggling Creatives is working to develop Creative Spaces for creators where they can thrive and generate new and robust forms of income in a way that allows them to also support other creators.